Here at Webconnex we understand that not everyone who registers for your event is super tech-savvy. There is always a learning curve when using new registration software. So our team has created a handful of helpful time saving features that allow you to start with your best foot forward with this year’s upcoming event. Understanding how these tools function will open up “A Whole New World”! (I hope you heard my Aladdin singing voice there). Check out these time saving features you may not already taking advantage of!
Invisible Fields
If you ever need to include a field, but need to keep it hidden from the public eye, this is for you! Most find this feature useful when wanting to pre-fill a field or set a default value to a specific field. You can make either a multiple choice or text field invisible on your form. If you want to learn more about what you can do with invisible fields you’ll want to check this out! Go ahead, you can call it magic!
Tool Tips
These little guys will help walk users through fields that may need a bit of an explanation. You can add these question marks to explain what specific text needs to be entered on a form. The more user friendly your form is, the faster your users can sign up and check out! Time is money, and so is this tooltip! Here is what they look like and how to add them!
Uploading Multiple Choice
This field is a total time saver! It really does take some of the heavy lifting out of building your form. If you don't have a IT department or wouldn't consider yourself “tech savvy” you are going to love this! If you have a huge list of options, just throw your list into the “generate from list” option. It will automatically add all choices into the multiple choice field for you! Watch it in action here.
Admin Fields
This is going to make all of your account admins really happy. Admin fields are essential to making changes on your form that are not visible to the public eye. You can trigger different actions to occur if the admin field is used correctly. This is helpful if you want to update or edit a users price, hide or show fields or even trigger coupon fields to appear. When Admin fields are tied with our actions, it really allows for limitless customization! Here's all you need to know to set up fields for admin use only!
Place Holders
Place holders are awesome, and create so much clarity on your form! You can put a back drop text in a text field that better explains what should be entered in a specific field. If we can avoid any confusion then everyone's life is better. Take a look into how effective place holders are!
These tools are much like buried treasure and are easier to spot the more you use our software. Our team knows that your time is precious so we are always thinking of new innovative ways to increase productivity and save time! If we can help your user's experience improve then we feel like we have done our job well. Happy Processing!