Issue Continuing Education Credits and Units

For events that serve professionals who need to maintain licenses in their profession, you can now issue CEUs and CECs for your attendees using RegFox. We bring simplicity and automation to issuing continuing education certificates.

Custom CEU / CEC certificates

Create your own CEU / CEC certificate templates inside RegFox to generate beautiful PDFs for your attendees. Add logos, address, certifications, and a signature to give it an official look.

Host virtual and on-demand events to issue CEUs for attendees

Reduce your event costs by going virtual and issue CEUs / CECs automatically to attendees of your virtual events. Or host on-demand videos or livestreams that stream previously recorded sessions and generate PDF certificates for your attendees.

Customize the entire process

For each session, you can set the number of eligible units one can earn from the session and the threshold of viewing one must complete in order to earn units. Customize the cert display details, template, customize the success message, email, and more. The options and flexibility put you in control.

In-person event CE tracking and issuing (coming soon)

CEU issuing and tracking is currently available on RegFox's virtual events, livestreams, pre-recorded content, and on-demand videos. In person certificate generating is coming. Please contact our team to express your interest and get more information on timing.

Continuing education certificates are just one reason why RegFox is the best event management software.

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Custom templates

Create various CEU / CEC templates for your organization to generate beautiful PDF certs.

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Stream live previously recorded videos

Upload a previously recorded session, set a stream date and time and livestream your former sessions.

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Customized units

Specify how many units a session is worth and display those units automatically on the PDF.

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Custom messaging

You're in control of the messaging from success messages to email confirmations.

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Custom video player

Lock the video player for your on-demand sessions to prohibit skipping or advancing the player.

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Viewing thresholds

Determine the viewing threshold for live streamed video sessions to qualify for eligible units.

Join a RegFox Demo

Seeing is believing. Attend an on-demand demo and check out all RegFox can do. You’ll learn to use the event page builder, manage attendees, run reports, and more.

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