Session Management

RegFox makes it simple and easy to create and manage sessions for your event. Add as many breakout sessions to your registration page as needed, and optionally restrict by attendee type, track, date, and more.

Easy peasy session setup

Creating your sessions is as easy as 1,2,3. Give each session a title, description, and image. If you are charging for sessions, set the pricing, availability, and set any selection rules for attendees.

Whether managing a few sessions, or dozens, RegFox makes session management pain free.

Conditionally show or hide sessions based on attendee type or track

If you are hosting events with various attendee types and tracks, you can conditionally show or hide sessions. RegFox makes this challenging task a piece of cake.

Conditionally show specific sessions or entire session blocks to give your attendees a seamless registration experience.

Simple editing and reassigning

Make session changes to any registration without having to cancel or re-register. Did you update your sessions to add new ones? No problem. Attendees can login and update their session selections themselves.

Attendance tracking with the RegFox check-in app

Use the RegFox check-in app to manage onsite check-in the day of your event as well as manage session attendance. Attendees can re-scan their badge or QR code to be marked in attendance of a given session.

Then utilize RegFox's exports to generate a roster of those who attended your sessions and those who didn't.

Session management is just one reason why RegFox is the best event management software on the market.

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Easy session creation

Create all your sessions in minutes including images, title, descriptions, time blocks, and more.

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Set pricing and capacity

Make your sessions paid, free or a combination. Set capacity limits and manage time slots.

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Simple editing and reassigning

Updating existing attendees to different or new sessions can be done in seconds.

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Attendee track specific sessions

Conditionally show or hide sessions depending on the attendee path or track.

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Onsite check-in and tracking

Manage attendance using RegFox's on-site check-in app to check-in everyone for their sessions.

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Attendee self service editing and managing

Let attendees manage their own sessions and make changes until a date you specify.

Join a RegFox Demo

Seeing is believing. Attend an on-demand demo and check out all RegFox can do. You’ll learn to use the event page builder, manage attendees, run reports, and more.

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