Invite unlimited administrators, editors, and users to your RegFox account to help run your most successful events ever.
Customize what each user can do, access, see, and edit with specific user permissions for each role. Enjoy total control for how others help and contribute to your events.
Other event registration software providers charge you ridiculous fees for each administrator login. Not with RegFox. Invite your marketing team, finance team, bookkeeper, copywriter, graphic designer, web developer, and whomever else you want to help run your events.
Not every user should have the same permissions and access to your account. With RegFox, you can create a fully unique and custom set of permissions for each user you invite. Provision access to certain events and not others, remove editing capabilities or visibility into your financials, and so much more.
Need to manage multiple RegFox accounts for clients? Simple. When using the same email address for various accounts, you can hot-swap between accounts without having to reauthenticate. This is perfect for power event promoters who manage multiple event brands or agencies serving clients.
Optional with any RegFox account is the ability enable two-factor authentication on any user accounts for that extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.
Invite anyone and everyone you need to help you run and manage your events on RegFox.
Toggle between any number of accounts associated with your email address with a single login.
Easily set up detailed access controls for each account with various privileges and rules.
Create additional layers of authentication with optional two factor sms authentication.
Seeing is believing. Attend an on-demand demo and check out all RegFox can do. You’ll learn to use the event page builder, manage attendees, run reports, and more.